Some information about the stamp in the miniature sheet, from the Post Malaysia.( Left to Right)
Petloa bantal ( Luffa aegyptiaca)
Petola banta is alos commonly known as smooth petola due to the surface of the frut which is smooth and slightly waxy. The plant is a climber using its tendrils. The fruit is cylindrical in shape, light green with 9-10 dark green lines along the length of the fruit. The flowers are bright yellow and the whole plant is covered with fine hair. Young fruits are normally cooked as vegetables. However, fibres from the matured fruits are used as a sponge for cleaning cooking utensils or as a loofah.
Winged bean( Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
Winged bean is alos known as kacang kelisa. The plant is a type of vine growing with a climbing twining steam. Leaves are trifoliate with three leaflets. Flowers are beautiful with bluish purple in colour. Clusters consist of 2-10 flowers. Winged bean is eaily recognized because it has a unique bean pod. The bean pod is about 15-22cm long. Flour-angled with frilly edges running lengthwise. The surface is waxy and the flesh of the young pod is partially translucent. The bean pod has a high nutritional content. Proteain content is alos high about 29% to 39%.
Turi ( Sesbania grandiflora)
Turi or geti is a perennial plant reaching a height of 4m tall. Leaves are pinnately compound with leaflets in opposite arrangement. Flowers are white or red in colour, drooping from the flower stalk. The boiled shoot is eaten as ulam while the young leaves can be cooked with coconut milk. Petals of young flower buds can also be eaten as ulam or cooked as vegetables. In addition to that, the bark, leaf, root and lower of the plant also posses medicinal values.
Terung pipit( Solanum torvum)
Terung pipit is also known as terung rembang. The plant is weedy and can easily be found at grass files, bushes or along roadsides. The plant is a shrub reaching a height of 1-2 m tall. The leaf is large, oval in shape with triangular lobed margin. The whole plant is covered with sharp thorns such as on the stem, leafstalks and inflorescence axis. Flowers are white in colour and arranged in a cluster. The fruits are similar to berries, round, small in size and are borne in a short bunch. The young fruits are usualy eaten as ulam either fresh or boiled. It can also be fried or cooked in dishes. The fruits are believed to reduce high blood pressure.
Cover with the set of stamp.
This is the cover with the postmark yesterday. Some information about the stamps from Post Malaysia. (Left to right)
Torch ginger ( Etlingera elatior)
The plant can reach 5m in height. The flower is pink in colour on a long stalk, about 90cm in length, arining from its rhizome in the ground,. Torch ginger flower, also known as Kantan flower is popular because it is widely used as flovouring in many dishes especially in laksa and asam pedas. In addition to that, the flower has high antioxidant properties. The fruit and leaf also posses their own unique medicinal values.
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)
The herbaceours, tendril-bearing vine grows to 5m tall. Leaves 4-12cm wide, with 3-7 deep lobes are alternately arranged. The flowers are yellow in colour. The fruet is green, oblong, 17-23cm long, with a distinct warty surface. Young fruts possess white seeds and piths turning red upon ripening. Fruits taste bitter but the bitter taste can be reduced by soaking the fruits in salt water before cooking. The flesh is juicy and crunchy in texture. The young fruit is normally eaten as ulam. Bitter melons have been used in various Asian medicines for a long time as it is believed to possess anti-malarial properties and can control diabetes and cure skin diseases.
Terung sasam(Solanum ferox)
The tree is small, reaching a height of 0.5-1.0m tall. The whole plant parts are coverd with fine hair. Leaves art sub-opposite in arrangement and the shap is oval with triangular lobes. The upper leaf surface is covered with thorns along the veins. The flowers sprout in racemes with short stalks. Flower petals are white and powdery. The fruits are oval in shape, 2-3cm wide and also covered with fine hair. The fruit is initially green and turns yellow when it is ripe. Its sour taste makes it suitable to be used as sour flavouring for dishes.
I had took the changes to get the postmark and make the cover to send to few friends. Most of the friends who sent cover to me before will receive the cover and wish you all like it. And please let me know when you receive it or just post on your blog then i will know the cover is reach safely. Thanks
hello !
I've received your nice cover with the rare vegetables issue !
Thank you so much :-)
I'll send you soon a nice cover from France !
Hi Fung,
I wonder if you have any of the Stamp Week 2007 Cover with 7 days cancellation to trade/sales to me?
I have had a hard time looking for this items.
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